What is your favorite Jack Kirby cover?
Avengers #4!
Fantastic Four #49, by far, but also that Kamandi #1 cover. Both magnificent.
Fantastic Four 82. A fabulous, virtually 3D cover!
It's hard to go wrong with ANY Kirby cover, but Thor #169 has always been one that really grabs me.
The only real answer is Captain America Comics #1 where Cap punches Hitler
Probably Captain America #100. Maybe FF #48-50. Avengers#7. Amazing Fantasy #15. Just put me down for all of 'em.
Probably Eternals #1. Doesn't hurt I actually have that comic. Got it for around 5 bucks. Was shocked so cheap.
Chamber of Darkness #5 ultimately wins out for me. Even more than a few new gods covers, and I seriously love those.
Fantastic Four 26. The Thing and the Hulk, who could as for anything more.
Captain America #200
Fantastic Four 51
Thor 161
Thor 127 a masterpiece
Fantastic Four #82
FF 49 is my absolute favorite. On the DC work I like the Demon 1.
Tie with Avengers #4 and Captain America Issue #200
Avengers #4!
Fantastic Four #49, by far, but also that Kamandi #1 cover. Both magnificent.
Fantastic Four 82. A fabulous, virtually 3D cover!
It's hard to go wrong with ANY Kirby cover, but Thor #169 has always been one that really grabs me.
The only real answer is Captain America Comics #1 where Cap punches Hitler
Probably Captain America #100. Maybe FF #48-50. Avengers#7. Amazing Fantasy #15. Just put me down for all of 'em.
Probably Eternals #1. Doesn't hurt I actually have that comic. Got it for around 5 bucks. Was shocked so cheap.
Chamber of Darkness #5 ultimately wins out for me. Even more than a few new gods covers, and I seriously love those.
Fantastic Four 26. The Thing and the Hulk, who could as for anything more.
Captain America #200
Fantastic Four 51
Thor 161
Thor 127 a masterpiece
Fantastic Four #82
FF 49 is my absolute favorite. On the DC work I like the Demon 1.
Tie with Avengers #4 and Captain America Issue #200